Why to Get a Water Meter Installed at Your home?

Posted on Senin, 13 Juni 2016

You’ll be quite surprised to know that the main reason behind your rising water bills is the fact that you haven’t got a water meter fitted yet in your premises. This is because; your current bills are calculated on the value of your property and not on your exact water usage in a month?

Surprised..huh?! Hence, be ready to look forward to go through the list of benefits you can receive by installing these meters and to cut down your water bill costs significantly.

  •  Installing a water meter at your home gives you the assurance that you’re being charged based on your usage, just like other utility (gas and electricity) bills and not on some prescribed tariff based on the rateable value of your property. If you’re a regular nuclear family with four people residing at your home, you can save up to £150 to £500 annually with these water-meters. It doesn’t matter if you’re a tenant or the owner, if your tenancy term is six months or longer, you’ve a right to ask for a water meter installed in your home.
  • Getting a water meter installed in your home can really benefit you if you don’t use much water and it will also bring a sense of responsibility in you when you know that you’ll be charged as per your usage. As per the guidelines, your water supplier is supposed to install the water meter within three months and once it’s done, they’ll visit you every month to get your meter read to calculate your water usage as per the meter readings.
  •  It’s important to know that you’ll be held responsible by the company to pay for any water leaks found in your home. If you want, you can also keep a check on your water usage by using your company’s water usage calculators available on their website or better by calling their dedicated team to have a more human interaction.
  •    There are few companies that have in-built mechanism in their meters to indicate if there is any water leakage in your supply pipe. The repair for these leaking pipes is taken care of by the company and they don’t charge anything from their consumers for this service.
Hence, if you’re ready to get a water meter installed in your home, don’t delay it anymore and call Thames Water Contact Number to get your request submitted, so that the dedicated team can visit your home and can start working on it. You can also get to know some useful information about their free-saving devices and tips to further slash down your water bills.

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