How to Free Your House of Dust

Posted on Selasa, 12 Juli 2016

There are few things that are more annoying than dust. Dust irritates the skin and throat. Dust causes allergies. Dust is a plague and it needs to be dealt with. There is one problem, though – Dust piles up sooner than we can say “I’ve just cleaned the room”. So, what’s left for us to do then? Sit idly and ask was the fight even worth it? Absolutely, not. Extreme times call for extreme measures. Let us see what we can do to up the ante and make dusting as efficient as possible.

Keep the Dust Collecting Sundries on the Bare Minimum
Glasses, bottles, beer cans, various figures, magazines and books that we like to stockpile on our shelves are beautiful, but they are magnets for dust. Their cleaning takes up a lot of time and will. That is why we tend to postpone this duty and the results become apparent very quickly. So, as a precautionary measure, keep all of these dust-collecting items in some part of your house where your family will not spend too much time and dust will not be too much of an issue.

Use Air Purifiers
They will not only purify the air, they will also prevent dust from settling down in large quantities. Of course, in order to achieve this, you will have to skip the ionic air cleansers that release ozone and do very little for your dust-purging efforts and opt for their fan-powered alternatives.

Use the Baby Wipes
Baby wipes may sound like an odd choice for swiping dust, but be as it may, when they are laundered, Huggies and other similar baby products can do pretty good job of dealing with various impurities. If being frugal is a virtue, this might be the most virtuous thing you can do while cleaning the house.

Use Microfiber Cloths
Once the baby wipes are not up the task it is time to bring up the heavy guns. In this case, that would be microfiber. Microfiber is specifically designed to trap dust and hold it in its fabric, which makes it perfect for post wipes and post T-shirt duties or dealing with some ornamented surfaces particularly hard to clean with other types of cloth.

Regulate the Humidity Levels
We all know that static electricity attracts dust and makes its cleaning the never ending vicious cycle. The most efficient way to address this issue is to regulate the humidity levels in your house. Unfortunately, 60% humidity that effectively kills the static electricity is not that comfortable to live in, but that does not meant that we cannot reduce this effect by keeping humidity at more pleasant 40-50% levels.

Wax On
Shinier the surface is the more prominent dust will become, right? Well yes, but only to an extent. If the shine is an effect of waxing, cleaning your granite, wooden, steel, or any other surface afterwards will become that much easier. There isn’t too much room to go wrong here, but carnauba wax provides pretty awesome results, and it is also known as “the queen of waxes” so it really looks like a good place to start.

Introduce Regular Cleaning Routines
Unfortunately, smooth surfaces like the ones we mentioned above are not the only dust-collectors in our houses. Here are some of the other places you should pay attention to if you want to make your efforts more worthwhile:

· Cushions and Rugs. If you want to know just how much dust can they actually pack, take them outside at least once in three months and beat the living hell out of them.

· Upholstery. In its nature very similar to cushions and rugs. The only difference is that this time you will have to substitute outside beating with extensive vacuuming and upholstery cleansers.

· Walls. Yes, even the walls are against you. Unfortunately, the only thing you can do about that is to gently go over them with mildly dampened microfiber cloth every few months. Go from the top to the bottom so you don’t have to go over the same places twice.

Now, it is quite obvious that the ancient enemy of humankind – dust cannot be defeated in war, just in individual battles that happen every day or once a week. That, however, is not a reason to give up.

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